Saturday, May 30, 2009

Trent and Tiffany's Wedding

We were a little late to the ceremony but what i saw of it was nice.

Here are the videos I took (sorry the sound sucks) the first three were uploaded to youtube before the reception moved past that awkward first stage wifi at reception, video taken on my palm centro and moved to my nokia n800 via bluetooth and uploaded from there. The last one I uploaded as soon as I got home.


# Watching @codesamuri's wedding. @abobrien13 @silentverbosity @bearwellington and @larryrockwell are the groomsmen.about 10 hours ago from web

# at the reception. Hoping this thing kicks off soonabout 9 hours ago from web

# Woot wifi at the reception!about 9 hours ago from web

# Finally this reception is kicking offabout 8 hours ago from web

# [l]ol "still alive" by @jonathancoulton is playing durring the cake cutting at @codesamuri's wedingabout 8 hours ago from web

# @Codesamuri @abobrien13 @silentverbosity @bearwellington @larryrockwell 8 hours ago from web

# #trentsweeddingabout 8 hours ago from web

# #trentsweeddingabout 8 hours ago from web

# @Codesamuri @abobrien13 @bearwellington @larryrockworth @silentverbosity i #tagged the other 2 vids #trentsweddingabout 8 hours ago from web

# Awesome there is no audio on those vids #fml #trentsweeddingabout 7 hours ago from web

# Now they are starting into the weird group dancing #trentsweddingabout 7 hours ago from web

# omfgwtfbbq! There is audio on those vids, i fail at failing w00000000t! #trentsweeddingabout 3 hours ago from web

OH and the LOLtack