Monday, February 26, 2007

Order a Pizza Via The Command Line

I can't believe this... YOU CAN ORDER A PIZZA WITH THE COMMAND LINE!! The only downside is that you can only order from Dominoes and only in the U.S. Which sucks because the Dominoes in my town doesn't take online orders.

Pizza Party is a free text based software package for ordering pizza, or for throwing pizza parties.
Pizza Party has many features to make ordering pizza easy:

*Can order pizza with only a few keystrokes.
*Can save pizza preferences.
*Can use batch files for ordering many pizzas.
*Has easy to use flags for ordering different toppings.
*Runs on most UNIX-like operating systems.
*Supports most currently popular topings like "mushrooms", and "pepperoni"!
*Unattended / background operation.
*Pizza Party is distributed under the GNU General Public License.

Check it out

Code Monkey Like Tab and Mountain Dew...

This is a great sone written by Jonathan Coulton. For the past year, Jonathan Coulton has released a song every week through his fabulous Thing A Week podcast. He makes his songs available via the Creative Commons license, which enables projects such as this video.
Just Watch the vids below to see what I mean and to get the song for yourself goto

Code Monkey
Recorded live at Temple Bar Santa Monica CA
October 9 2006

Here you go Keese

Keese of and I were having a discussion about blogging and embedding video came up. So here is how to do it in three pics.




Saturday, February 24, 2007

An Open Letter to All the Rosie O'Donnell's of the World

This is a response to Rosie talking about Danny Divito's spot on "The View". You can find the clip that spurred this on YouTube

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Mono Now Does Visual Basic

Here is how to install the most recent stable version of Mono (version

Download the file here:

I downloaded the file to the desktop, and then I opened up the terminal and typed:

cd ~/Desktop

That Changed the directory to /home/USERNAME/Desktop. From there I ran:

chmod +x mono-
./mono- --mode xwindow

and then you just click a couple of next's and ok's, and then Bob's your uncle.

If you have any questions please leave them in the comments so that the answers can be helpful to all.

"Herding Cats" with LugRadio's Jono Bacon

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Undo TV is finally up

I'm not sure if it is still invite only or not. And there are some cool YouTube like properties, but I can't post any of the video because it has this tag:

script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

More ATHF Hilarity


Monday, February 19, 2007

Stupidity at the job, and I guess I'm a racist

As some people know I work at a movie theater, and my job sucks. But today I had a really funny thing happen to me. A customer came up to the concession stand and wanted a refill on his popcorn. This usually isn't a problem, a refill is the way they keep the customers from buring down the theater over a 5 buck bag of popcorn. But you have to have a bag to have a refill. [if I have to give you another bag its a fill not a RE-fill]. The guy threw away his bag, no big deal fish it out of the trash and give it to me and I'll give you another bag. But this dude got really shitty with me and the other manager there. Then called us both racist and then said my favorite phrase, "I'm never coming back here again". Sweet, fuck you, piss off. If you're not comming back why in the hell would I try and make you happy? Answer, nothing, I don't give a shit, piss off and let me get back to my shitty job.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Google Summer of Code 2007 w00t!!

To find out more please look at the Newsvine RSS on the right hand side of this page.

or go to

Thursday, February 15, 2007

#1 in the Hood, G!!!!

This is all I have to say:

If the above does not work click here

** EDIT: YouTube removed this video 5 minutes after I posted it **
** EDIT: I was wrong they didn't pull it**

Packet Garden, Etherape for Eco-nerds

I just found out about Packet Garden its really cool. It's like Etherape for Eco-nerds. You can see a video on it if you watch DL.TV episode 135, I think it was

You'll need to get these files to run it:


and here is Packet Garden itself:

I'm a horrible person

I love, loving things that you're not supposed to. I recently installed Stella; it's an Free (as in software and as in beer) Atari 2600 Emulator. I'm currently playing Custers Revenge, it was the first x-rated video game.

Here have a look:

Its a game where you are Col. Custer and you run across the screen to have t3h f0rc3d s3x012 with an Indian Woman tied to a cactus; while having arrows shot at you.

I'm what the Spanish call "el terrible"

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

WTF is wrong with you people

Today I waited 4 hours to see if we would go into a level 3 snow emergency so that I could stay home from work. Well it only got to a level 2. Buses stopped running, factories closed, shit even McDonalds closed. But my boss thought that it was absolutly reasonable to have m erisk my life to go to work.

Beyond me wanting a day off I saw other retarded shit...
*a funeral procession
*a left turn out of a right hand lane, infront of a plow
*a person going through the closed McDonalds drive though

and other stupidity

so I have to ask WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE!?!

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Here you go Cole

I was talking to a guy at work about these vids and decided to post them


John Lennon:


I have added some cool stuff so that everyone can get hold of me and
keep track of where I running about.

I also realized that there are not alot of people out there with webcams
so I added an odeo audio message button. I'm having trouble getting the
files to play, but the odeo people are looking into it.

Another thing I'd like to point out is that I am now on twitter, so I
can update what I'm doing from my cell, gaim, or the web.

So check back often to see whats up.

also I'm posting this via email (because it's one of the things offered
by blogger)

***Edit*** The odeo thing works now. It was a problem on my end, please post away

Thursday, February 8, 2007

Ohio LinuxFest 2007

Okay everyone OLF07 is just around the corner 232 days away (Friday, September 14, 2007). I went last year and it was absolutely great. The convention is just the right size, not too big, not too small.

Ohio LinuxFest is free, but many attendees have asked how they can help. In response, they
have created the All Conference Pass for $65.00 to provide an opportunity for those who are able to assist in defraying the costs of the event. Participation is not required, but your generous contribution is appreciated. In exchange for a small donation, you will receive the following:

  • Access to the Conference Suite at the Drury Inn
  • Conference Tee-Shirt
  • Lunch on the day of the Conference
  • Drink tickets for the After Conference Party
  • Rockstar-Style Backstage Pass
  • Various Vendor Swag
  • A Warm Fuzzy Feeling
They also have hotel deals, so go to and check it out

Hi Everybody!

Here is my new home on the web. I hope to soon have this all linked up with my domain (thanks Robin!)

Please see the other stuff that I am doing over there on the side bar, you can see my feeds:


And you can leave me a video and/or audio message.

and comming soon a podcast...